Star Plus show Pardes Mein Hai Mera Dil will soon showcase the wedding functions starting off in the Mehra house. Veer and Sanjana’s wedding functions will begin and Naina will be a part of the celebrations despite of having so many problems with Mehra family.
Viewers will get to witness the engagement function which will be clubbed with the godh-bharia function as Sanjana is pregnant. However, the interesting twist will come about as Dadi will ask Raghav and Naina to do all the rituals being the older brother and Bhabhi for Sanjana and Veer. Veer will have to take blessing from Raghav although Veer does not have any respect for him. However, the shocking twist will come about as Dadi will ask Veer to wash Raghav’s feet with milk saying that it is an important ritual.
Veer will be furious by this but he will not turn down Dadi’s orders as he does not want to make her upset. Veer will go against his wish and wash Raghav’s feet with milk in front of all guests. Seeing this, Naina will be very happy as she knows that Veer has no respect for Raghav and always treats him like a servant. Naina will also taunt Veer and this will make Veer even more angry. Will Veer seek revenge from Raghav and Naina for this insult?